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  1. Shabbaman

    Worldwake Orb of Insight

    At least there's a zombie in this set.
  2. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    My idea is that it has a toolbox, it must be good. This deck has a bit of a poor toolbox. A card like Treefolk Harbringer would be really good; as a matter of fact, it would solve different problems at once. A treefolk deck could be even better, but treefolk don't have contested cliffs. Perhaps...
  3. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    I've come to this. I'm not happy with the mana curve. I think something like wood elves should be in there, but I don't know what to cut. With the wildebeest you can bounce the storyteller when you want to play wish or sledge. I think Sledge could be cut completely. I wouldn't cut Wish because I...
  4. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    Stampeding wildebeests is a good idea, especially with cards like Wall of roots/blossoms and wood elves. And, obviously, Indrik Stomphowler. Or Blastoderm. It adds a lot to the deck, it changes it from a pretty straightforward deck to a, well, nice deck ;) Card advantage with wall of blossoms...
  5. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    WGB? For me the only reason to consider beasts is contested cliffs. I think the tribal strategy is weak otherwise. 5+ power works even without beasts btw. Black is good, if only for Shriekmaw or Fleshbag marauder together with Genesis. But with contested cliffs I don't think that's really...
  6. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    I agree with the 1/3 utility split, it makes a lot of sense. You can get there with creatures as well though, that's my point.
  7. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    There's a lot of good stuff in Train's list. He's right about living wish: in my beasts deck I run four. I don't have the deck complete anymore though, it was actually more a rock deck with a beast subtheme. Contested cliffs is good enough to run even if you only have Ravenous baloth. But let's...
  8. Shabbaman

    Big Beast Lifegain Thread

    Wow, that looks like a nice deck ;) The deck is a bit slow, I'm afraid. The mauler and the vorrac can get pretty big. If you get past 5 power you can utilize the other beasts like Spearbreaker behemoth (indestructable beasts!).
  9. Shabbaman

    Multiplayer *Jund* deck

    I'd rather run syphon mind over syphon soul, and I wouldn't take out the hull breaches. Hull breach means card advantage! The deck seems horribly low on drawing cards anyway. I say the deck needs more sylvan libaries and abundances. And Loxodon warhammers. Trampling lifelink big bastards is a...
  10. Shabbaman

    EDH: Vorash, the Hunter

    Awesome. First question: how good do you want your deck to be? Second question: do you want a theme? Clarifications... There are a lot of combo's and locks that won't make you friends. How good do you want your deck to be? Is recurring mindslaver every turn your idea of fun? I think limiting...
  11. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    I think eventually you'd get the same discussion as we had with the Hall of Shame. There we couldn't agree on whether the Hall of Shame was filled with bad cards or with the worst card from each set. I think that in a Hall, whether it's this one or another, a card is a representative of the set...
  12. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    Funny, as that's exactly what Sarkhan Vol does :rolleyes: In my reasoning a card should be a good representative of the set. Sarkhan Vol isn't. It's just a random card thrown into the set. Like Lich's mirror. I don't think I'll bother to nominate a card next time.
  13. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    I think I was pretty clear why Helix pinnacle is a good choice. I still think it's part of a hidden subtheme in the set. I really don't see how Figure of Destiny is a casual card. The card is simply insanely strong. It's not that I can't see it's appeal: the card is very strong and the evolution...
  14. Shabbaman

    Ken Nagle pushing for one of the most powerful cards to be reprinted!!!!!

    Hypnotic specter got reprinted, apparently it's strength lies in the combination with Dark Ritual. Maybe Dwarven Pony isn't so strong on it's own either.
  15. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Nominations: Shards of Alara

    I like Alara's flavor, but the shards feel like Ravnica's guilds. In theory there's a big difference, because the shards don't know their enemy shards and don't "metagame" against them. But in practice this just isn't the case. Case in point: scourglass, sphinx of the steel wind. That it's so...
  16. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    The set sucks. Only helix pinnacle can win.
  17. Shabbaman

    Voting for Casual Card Committee Member (11/23/09)

    Somehow it seems we have this vote every other week.
  18. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Eventide

    Here we go again. Eventide's themes are enemy hybrid, chroma and retrace. There's a heavy "color matters" theme with chroma and triggered effects. What I remember about eventide is that it sucked. There are some strong cards, but with all the hybrid cards (and all those lands) you could just...
  19. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nomination: Shadowmoor

    Okay. Shadowmoor's main feature: allied colored hybrid and "double colorless hybrid". Secondary features: -1/-1 counters (as opposed to lorwyn's +1/+1 counters). Tertiary feature: color matters (as opposed to class matters). And then some stuff that shows the above: wither, persist and conspire...
  20. Shabbaman

    Nominations for Casual Card Hall of Fame Committee Member

    If you'd put both me and Oversoul in the committee, you'd also get all the planeswalkers in the Hall of Fame ;) BTW, I think this is the first (red is not my color tbh) time I've actually seen Boldwyr Heavyweights. Seems like a solid casual card indeed. But Spidey listed it as a Lorwyn card...