I mean, on the one hand, I don't really pay that much attention to which board a thread is in and I'm happy to let you organize them however you like.
On the other hand, your winking emoji makes it seem like I blundered by starting the thread in the wrong place, but not to worry, you've fixed it for me. And in that case, I definitely don't understand the system at all. I mean, just looking at the first page of the other board, we've got such "issues" as "Nothing was banned in March" and "Hey guys, I got emailed a survey and then took that survey." I didn't think that those were in the board because they were "issues." I just figured that they were over there instead of over here because of the official tie-in, that if the topic was a "WotC" topic, it went in the "WotC" board. I wasn't aware that "issue" was the important part, nor clear on how such benign threads were ever issues to begin with.
It just seemed like the posts about official WotC announcements usually went to the other board. Announcements for B&R changes (or lack thereof), for the London mulligan, and even for a silly poster that WotC printed and sent to local game stores (OK, that last one was also thread I started). This is like those, or at least I thought it was.
Anyway, issues forthcoming or not, this is only third time a new official constructed tournament format* has been announced since the foundation of the CPA, so it seems like a pretty big deal. I don't really have interest in playing this format myself, but I thought it would be of interest. Never really cared for Modern either. I didn't back when it was announced and I still don't, but that format has become hugely important to most of the Magic community these days. I suspect that Pioneer is either going to falter and be viewed as a mistake or it's going to succeed and cannibalize some of the playerbase from Modern, Standard, or both. I wouldn't think that it'll be a roaring success while also complementing those two other formats. But maybe WotC does think that. Guess we'll see...