In favor of better border security for all. Completely opposed to this wall concept our president is pushing.
A wall doesn't solve any issues with border security. Reports have shown that we receive illegal immigrants by two main ways: tourists who decide to stay (and who mainly travel by air) and legal immigrant workers who then overstay their visas. The main argument I hear after that is that this would significantly reduce drug trafficking. However, many reports have shown that the drug market gets into the country via tunnel systems that stretch for miles. These can be destroyed and shut down, but a Wall does nothing to stop this. Not that a wall would not stop the drug trafficking that gets into our country via the seas. Could a wall stop a migrant caravan? Well, depends on how you ask. Are you referring to the migrant caravans who tried to enter the country legally declaring asylum (who only resorted to extreme measures once it became apparent how poorly resourced that border checkpoint was to handle more than 60 applications per day). If so, then yes because of course it will slow down legal entry. But the purpose of this wall is to stop illegal entry. To paraphrase John Oliver, all a 30-foot wall will lead to is an increased demand in 31-foot ladders. After reaching the top, Trump already has suggested how one could get down from that height: "Maybe a rope."
All in all, my opinion is that any constructed wall would be an ineffectual waste of Taxpayer money.
Ransac, cpa trash man