Throg drinks the beer. Throg is now extremely inebriated.
"I have failed. Well played, mortal. Khorne must have smiled upon you this day. I think you'll make a great champion of Chaos. But now, let's celebrate your victory."
Throg and the daemon party well into the night, searching the bodies of the other customers, who are still passed out, and accepting generous donations from the coinpurses of these unconscious fellow revelers. Also, they draw some stuff on the faces of the other patrons. The daemon and Throg decide to be best friends, at least while they're drunk. To mark their friendship, the daemon gives Throg his favorite trophy: the bleach-white skull of a great beast he once slew in battle. Throg decides it would make an awesome warhelm and puts it on. Throg tells his new friend of his quest to find a donkey in Middenheim. The daemon drunkenly rambles on about a great ass conspiracy or something. It's kind of hard to tell. Eventually, the daemon decides he thinks he knows where to find a donkey for Throg. Each buys one more round "for the road" and together they stagger out onto the streets of Middenheim. Immediately, they are accosted by a man Throg recognizes as one of the city's animal traders, flanked by denizens of the Chaos Temple.
"Don't even think about it," the animal trader threatens. "There shall be no ass for anyone not on the guild's approved list."
The daemon laughs uproariously and chugs his beer.
"I'll handle these ones," the daemon sneers, waving his massive claws in the direction of the ass conspirators.
The animal trader and his companions inch back nervously, but gain confidence when the daemon trips and lands on his face before reaching them. Throg boldly counters that he'll handle this mob himself. As he raises his axe and charges into the group, his last thought is something like...
"Wait, that last one wasn't beer. Was I just drinking cocoroco? I think so. How'd that even happen?"
And that is when Throg blacks out. His character sheet will be updated once he is sober back to normal.