Sports League: Season 5 Sign-Ups and Info


Nothing Special
Time to start up season 5!​
If anyone new wants to join, sign up here. I'll keep this post updated to reflect any changes in participating players.​

Turgy22 (9 - 6)
Melkor (8 - 7)
Spiderman (7 - 5)
Rokapoke (6 - 6)
Mooseman (3 - 9)

We'll be using the same rules as last season, except roster limits will be expanded to 65 cards after the draft. Minimum deck size is still 40 cards.​

If anyone wants to switch decks with one of the available unused decks found in this spreadsheet*, they're welcome to do so. Also, if anyone wants to scrap their deck and start over, they can do so. You'll receive four boosters from four different sets of your choosing and maintain your spot in the draft. Obviously, you'll have consistency problems with a four-booster card pool, but it could be manageable if you open good stuff and find people willing to trade.​

Everyone gets to choose a booster pack for the upcoming draft. All sets are available to choose from up to and including Born of the Gods. All the boosters I create will contain 1 rare, 3 uncommons and 11 commons - no basic lands or varying pack sizes. Mythic rares will show up, but timeshifted and premium (foil) cards will not.​

Everyone can post their choice of booster here. Like last season, I don't want the draft to contain two of the same booster. If I get multiple PMs with the same set, I'll ask one of the players to choose another.​

Just a reminder that "free agent" cards are available to pick up at any time from now until the draft begins. Just make a swap by dropping a card on your roster and picking one listed as a Free Agent. Once the draft starts, everyone needs to wait until it's over and can then continue making FA acquisitions once their rosters are down to the 60-card limit. Like last season, there will be a priority set on free agent claims made by more than one player in a 24-hour period.​
This will be the first season where existing free agent cards are dropped permanently. That drop will take place immediately after the season starts, so any card with a "3" marked next to it will be available from now until the start of the season.
The current priority for free agent claims is as follows:​
1. Mooseman​
2. Spiderman​
3. Turgy22​
4. Melkor​
5. Rokapoke​

During the season, we will begin implementing what I have decided to call the "Most Valuable Card" retirement system. After each game, each player can vote for one of their opponent's cards as that deck's MVC. Once a card reaches 12 votes, it will be slated to retire at the end of that season. I'll keep track of votes in the master spreadsheet and at the bottom of this post. Also, a reminder that cards drafted in the upcoming draft can not have votes cast for them. More detailed explanation of this new system is explained here.

Everyone is also free to make any trades from now until the season begins (including during the draft). You can trade cards OR upcoming draft picks, though if you trade picks, make sure you're specific about exactly which choice is being traded, since there are multiple picks in all rounds except the first.​

I think that's everything we need to know to get started. Any questions, comments or suggestions, post here.​




So are we supposed to vote for a most "valuable" card in the game? I had the impression that it's intended for cards that are almost too powerful, not just the MVC of the game.


Nothing Special
As I said in my earlier post, actually casting a vote is optional. The spirit of the rule is to weed out over-powered cards, but I'd like to emphasize that those cards should actually be having a significant impact on the games in which they're being played.

I chose to dub it with the MVC moniker to give it more of a celebratory feel. Instead of just pulling out cards that are too good for this format, we're congratulating them.


Just for variety (definitely not knowing the cards), I'll take a pack of whatever the most recent expansion was. As long as it isn't a duplicate of anybody else's choice.


Well-known member
Technically the most recent set is Born of the Gods (which Spiderman picked), however that will change at the end of next week as the new set (Journey in Nyx) is scheduled for release on May 2, 2014 (COMING SOON TO A STORE NEAR YOU!!! BUY! BUY!)


Nothing Special
But then we'd have to wait over TEN days to start!

Rokapoke, do you want to hold everyone up to get a pack of Journey into Nyx or pick another? Here are the new sets that have been introduced since the last draft was held:
Avacyn Restored
Return to Ravnica
Dragon's Maze

Here's a breakdown of the packs that have been chosen throughout this league (because of course I keep track of that):
5x: Tempest
3x: Planar Chaos
2x: Mirage, Visions, Stronghold, Urza's Legacy, Urza's Destiny, Fifth Dawn
1x: ABU, 6th edition, 10th edition, Magic 2010, Legends, Homelands, Urza's Saga, Apocalypse, Odyssey, Torment, Legions, Scourge, Mirrodin, Darksteel, Ravnica, Guildpact, Dissension, Time Spiral, Future Sight, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Shard of Alara, Rise of the Eldrazi, Innistrad

So, if you want to maintain a variety, just avoid these sets.

I will choose Eventide, by the way.


Dragon's Maze sounds good. No need to hold things up more than they will naturally get dragged out.


Well-known member
I'm certainly not overwhelmed by the quality of the rares, Flicker and Biorhythm are not really limited bombs. I'm more than willing to trade draft picks (or actual cards) for cards on people's rosters, I really wanted that Think Twice on Mooseman's old roster but now it is off in abandoned franchise limbo. Spiderman, how about your Miscalculation? I'm ready to start scraping the bottom of the barrel for counterspells. How about Cancel or Memory Lapse, turgy22?


Nothing Special
I've updated the spreadsheet in the original post. All draftable cards are in there with links and everyone's decks are now properly assigned to them.


Nothing Special
I've uploaded the Excel sheet I use to track everything in the first post of the draft thread. It contains all of the draftable cards with links for easier viewing.


Nothing Special
I proposed a trade with Mooseman.

Mooseman will get my current pick at #3.
I will get his picks at #6, #18, #33 and #34.

I'm going to respond to the current draft thread to update the status and put Mooseman on the clock.

Mooseman, if you have any objections, let me know.