Skullcrusher recognizes the fallen assassin: Dark Wind, a ruthless hunter from Clan Eshin known for his mercenary ways. Skullcrusher loots the corpse and finds more skaven gear...
-Skullcrusher obtained a Skavendagger.
-Skullcrusher obtained a bag of throwing stars.
-Skullcrusher obtained Boots of Dark Wind.
Everyone pauses to contemplate Dorgath's inventory...
*Equipped - Elf-Biter, Axe of Grom: Ignores armor. Damage done after accounting for defensive modifiers is doubled. Worth 2000 gold.
Great Axe of Smiting: On a natural to-hit roll of 5 or 6, the hit does an additional 1D6 damage. Cannot be sold.
-Rune of Smashing (DGR): Ignores 1 point of armor when determining damage.
Chain Armour: +1 toughness. Worth 50 gold.
*Equipped - Boots of Battle: Allow for a single kick attack per turn at -1 to hit and +1 Strength. Enchanted to fit the wearer perfectly. Worth 200 gold.
*Equipped - Enchanted Shield: +3 Armor. May not be wielded by any Warrior wearing any armor other than a helmet unless that Warrior is Level 4 or higher. Worth 800 gold.
Rope: Breaks on a roll of 1 or 2. Worth 5 gold.
Dwarven Tankard: No dwarf would part with it. Cannot be sold.
*Equipped - Amulet of Vindication: Magic Resistance 6+. Worth 500 gold.
*Equipped - Talisman of Obsidian: Magic Drain 4+ (on adjacent spellcasters). Restores 1D6 Wounds if successful. Worth 500 gold.
*Equipped - Helm of the Dragonslayer: +1 Toughness. Nullfies breath weapon attacks against the wearer. Worth 500 gold.
Old Helmet: +1 Toughness against blows to the head. Worth 25 gold.
*Equipped - Lifestone of Ashraz: As long as the bearer is above 0 Wounds, this heals 1D3 Wounds at the beginning of each turn. Worth 1,500 gold.
*Equipped - Lucky Talisman: Once per adventure, can make an attack automatically hit. Worth 150 gold.
Crossbow of Swiftness: As many shots per turn as the wielder has attacks. Worth 750 gold.
Skull Wand of Kaloth: Can be wielded as a sword. If a hit monster fails an initiative test at 7, the monster dies instantly. 6/6 charges. Worth 300 gold per charge.
Runestone of Destruction: Can be added to a metal weapon. Once per dungeon, wielder gains double attacks. Worth 400 gold.
Lock Tools: Can attempt to open a non-magical lock. Roll a D6. On a 4+ the lock opens. On a 2 or 3 the lock does not open. On a 1 the lock tools break. 2 sets of lock tools remaining.
Firebomb: Can be thrown and affects a 2x2 square area, dealing 1D6 damage to anything in the area with no modifiers for toughness or armor. 2 bombs remaining.
Flash powder: Can be detonated to distract enemies and make them lose attacks. 0 bags remaining.
Stonebread: If a dwarf does nothing else for the turn, except stay where he is and eat stonebread, he regains 1D6 Wounds. 12 loaves remaining.
Ungrun Grunnson's Warhammer: +1 damage per hit. +1D6 damage if to-hit roll is a natural 6. Worth 150 gold.
Incense of Araby: Worth 50 gold.
Nightmantle Shell Orb: Expended. Worth 0 gold.
Ingots of Iron: Three iron pieces worth 150 gold each. Two pieces worth 30 gold each.
Sword of Might: +1 Strength. Worth 150 gold.
Sword of Defiance: +3 toughness when wielded. Worth 600 gold.
Boots of Battle: Allow for a single kick attack per turn at -1 to hit and +1 Strength. Enchanted to fit the wearer perfectly. Worth 200 gold.
Energy Jewel: One-use item with 1D6 power for casting spells. Worth 200 gold.
Tambourine: Worth more gold in larger settlements.
Charm of Learning: Decreases cost of level-up training by 300 gold.
Relic Blade: +1 to hit. Worth 400 gold.
Crude Karak Azgal map. Worthless.
Bandages: 4
Provisions: 5
Healing potion: Restores 1D6 Wounds. 2 remaining.
Grunnson Full Healing Potion: Full restoration. Permanently adds +1 Starting Wounds. One use. Worth 0 gold.
Blessed Sword: Only misses on a to-hit roll of 2 or lower. Worth 300 gold.
Amulet of Fury: Contains a single use of the Invulnerability spell. Disintegrates after use. Worth 200 gold.
Gems of Life: You guys still haven't decided what to do with these.
Unidentified Rune
Pink sapphire: Worth 800 gold.
Bugman's XXXXXX: 4 doses, each dose heals 1D6 Wounds, inflicts -3 to hit for 1D3 turns, worth 50 gold per dose.