It's actually just that Spiderman is here so much, he probably catches the spam before you have a chance to see it. Not now, but a while back, I had some school or work schedule that caused me to tend to check in at what must have been exactly the right time of day for me to see the spam after the spammer posted it (apparently they tended to strike during certain hours), but before Spiderman had a chance to catch it.Notice that the spam only got crazy when Spiderman wasn't here -- therefore, he must be the spammer!
Oh no! All my access to free porn has inadvertently been helping the scammers. Sorry, guys.The fraudsters have made a science out of getting past it - and one method is for them to do a screen sweep of it - then show it to a 'customer' who enters it as verification for getting free porn.
Remind me to never watch that movie with you. Just in case.If I wanted to look at naked midgets in furry suits, I'd watch Return of the Jedi.
Which I do.