The armorer has the following wares...
Leather Armor: 40 gold, +1 Toughness
Lacks durability.
Furs: 200 gold, +1 Toughness
The only armor in stock here that Kelgar may wear, but if he wears it in addition to his ornate breastplate, his movements will be restricted.
Chainmail Armor: 350 gold, +2 Toughness, -1 Movement
Note that this is different from Dorgath's similarly named armor.
Light Armor: 900 gold, +2 Toughness
Note that this is different from Throg's similarly named armor.
Heavy Armor: 4,000 gold, +3 Toughness, -1 Movement (except Dwarf)
Shield: 350 gold, cannot be used with a bow or two-handed weapon
Leather Helmet: 100 gold, protects head (+1)
Lacks durability
Open Helm: 400 gold, protects head (+1)
Warhelm: 700 gold, protects head (+2)