Unbound and Down [EDH]


The Tentacled One
Piloted this deck for the first time in a while. Game got gridlocked and we had to call it with the game store closing down for the night. I don't know how it would have gone. Omarthis was pretty big, but my opponents were very deliberately avoiding killing my commander. Oh well.


The Tentacled One
I put my Omarthis deck from last year back together, then I edited the crap out of it. The old deck was based on the "Eldrazi Unbound" precon, but this version departed from that in favor of squeezing more value out of Omarthis. Also, I included some new cards that weren't available back when I first built the old version. This version should be better. Let's manifest.

1 Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate

1 Agatha's Soul Cauldron
1 All Is Dust
1 Ancient Tomb
1 Andúril, Narsil Reforged
1 Arcbound Crusher
1 Arch of Orazca
1 Ashnod's Altar
1 Basalt Monolith
1 Blast Zone
1 Bonders' Enclave
1 Buried Ruin
1 Chronomaton
1 City of Traitors
1 Clock of Omens
1 Cloud Key
1 Conjurer's Bauble
1 Cryptic Trilobite
1 Crystal Grotto
1 Crystal Vein
1 Darksteel Citadel
1 Darksteel Monolith
1 Desecrate Reality
1 Drannith Ruins
1 Drillworks Mole
1 Drownyard Temple
1 Echoes of Eternity
1 Eldrazi Confluence
1 Erratic Portal
1 Everflowing Chalice
1 Extruder
1 Forge of Heroes
1 Forsaken Monument
1 Foundry Inspector
1 Fountainport
1 Glaring Fleshraker
1 Grim Monolith
1 Hall of Tagsin
1 Hangarback Walker
1 Hidden Grotto
1 Inventors' Fair
1 Iron Apprentice
1 It That Heralds the End
1 Jhoira's Familiar
1 Karn's Bastion
1 Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter
1 Lifeline
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Mana Vault
1 Manifold Key
1 Maze of Ith
1 Memory Jar
1 Metalworker
1 Mindless Automaton
1 Mishra's Factory
1 Mishra's Workshop
1 Mutavault
1 Myr Retriever
1 Mystic Forge
1 Nesting Grounds
1 Pentavus
1 Power Conduit
1 Reliquary Tower
1 Rings of Brighthearth
1 Rise of the Eldrazi
1 Rogue's Passage
1 Salvager of Ruin
1 Scrap Trawler
1 Scrapyard Recombiner
1 Sensei's Divining Top
1 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
1 Skittering Cicada
1 Sol Ring
1 Staff of Domination
1 Steel Overseer
1 Strip Mine
1 Su-Chi
1 Su-Chi Cave Guard
1 Sword of Truth and Justice
1 Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender
1 Tarrian's Soulcleaver
1 The Mycosynth Gardens
1 The Ozolith
1 Thopter Squadron
1 Thran Dynamo
1 Threefold Thunderhulk
1 Throne of Geth
1 Tomb of the Spirit Dragon
1 Treasure Vault
1 Tyrite Sanctum
1 Ugin, the Ineffable
1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
1 Ugin's Mastery
1 Urza's Cave
1 Urza's Saga
1 Voltaic Key
1 Walking Ballista
1 War Room
1 Zhalfirin Void
1 Zoetic Cavern


The Tentacled One
Tried out the new list at a table that I thought would be pretty low-power. I did eventually win, but it was actually kind of slow. No conclusions yet from just a single game, but I did find that interesting. Got to see some of the new cards. I even used Eldrazi Confluence to flip over some manifested permanents. Agatha's Soul Cauldron on Hangarback Walker carried me through this one. Omarthis never died a second time, so the counters accumulated and made my commander damage lethal.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck for my most recent game. My friend's old pet Titania deck did its thing. He took a beating from another player at the table while I built up to have a decent board state, but once he got Zuran Orb and Scapeshift, it was over. Too bad about this deck not really getting much of an opportunity, but I was happy to see the Titania deck again. It's been too long.


The Tentacled One
Well, I had a somewhat uneventful loss to close out last night with this deck. Kept a one-land hand, but managed to deploy Drillworks Mole, then Omarthis. I also got Chronomaton. No one attacked into me or ever blocked Omarthis. But by the time my commander was big enough to be a threat, my opponents were already doing more explosive things. Any of them might have won, but the Jin-Gitaxias deck ended up comboing off. Basically, my mana production was lacking and my deck was about two turns behind the rest of the table. If there'd been a board wipe or something, if things had gone a bit differently, my position would have been fine. But it wasn't, so it wasn't. Can't win them all.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck last night. I simply got a better start than my opponents and was able to beat them down with bigger creatures than what they had available. Nothing too fancy. Glaring Fleshraker did a lot of damage. I think that was the first time I actually used Glaring Fleshraker. Crazy card.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck for my first game last night (opponents picked it at random). Although I didn't have my fastest start ever, my opponents initially weren't doing much and were being beaten down by small creatures. Omarthis came in as a 2/2. For a while, I had the best board position. Then the least experienced player at the table managed to get Vesuvan Drifter to become a copy of Dazzling Sphinx and chose to attack me. There were only three possible hits and my opponent probably had no idea what they were (Eldrazi Confluence, All Is Dust, and Rise of the Eldrazi were all in my library, while Desecrate Reality was sitting in my hand). She hit Rise of the Eldrazi, snowballing enough to become the biggest threat at the table. I worked to rebuild, using Threefold Thunderhulk to grow Omarthis. After dishing out a beating to all three opponents and taking one myself, I eventually managed to have Omarthis get hit by a removal spell, manifesting 19 cards. From there I was able to use Eldrazi Confluence to turn Ashnod's Altar face-up. On my turn, I used Ashnod's Altar with some help from other artifacts to manifest the rest of my library and to move 54 +1/+1 counters from The Ozolith onto Walking Ballista, pinging my opponents to death.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck for my final game on Friday. After a pitched battle saw the game get down to a one-on-one with no way yet for me to break through my opponent's defenses, I assembled an infinite combo with Thopter Squadron + Clock of Omens + Grim Monolith + Forsaken Monument + Tarrian's Soulcleaver + Walking Ballista. There you go. Six-card infinite damage combo.


The Tentacled One
I kept a stupidly risky hand with only one land, so I was stuck with a slow start for the first few turns. Good old Metalworker caught me up to the rest of the table. It could have gone a few different ways from that point, but I got an opening after my opponents weakened each other enough for Glaring Fleshraker to finish them off.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck again for the first time in a while. I had a strong start, but ultimately lost because the deck couldn't find a single way to kill Omarthis. If my commander had died, I would almost certainly have won on the spot. But I just couldn't make that happen.


The Tentacled One
I played this deck for the final game of last night. Manifested some cards but couldn't get Omarthis to be particularly big, and I fell behind. The player that was winning used The Great Aurora, which weakened my mana production some more. But then he tried to use Shaman of the Forgotten Ways to kill the table. I flashed in Skittering Cicada, Steel Overseer, and Iron Apprentice. Then I was able to swing in for the win.

See, this is why Biorhythm doesn't scare me at all.


The Tentacled One
Not that it really counts, but there was some downtime while a game with other players was going and before the next pod was assembled for me to play in. Someone wanted to play one-on-one against me. Haven't really configured any of my decks for that. But it ended up being Omarthis vs. Ayula. At first, I was behind on mana and creatures. Stalled long enough for All Is Dust to even things up, but the other player quickly rebuilt. Ultimately, it was Andúril, Narsil Reforged that gave me the decisive edge needed to win the game. Haven't seen that card in most of my games, but this one really illustrated why I wanted it in this deck.


The Tentacled One
Despite finally getting a game in which I drew Ashnod's Altar, it happened too late into the game and things had already gone too poorly for me. Couldn't quite get set up. Close, though.


The Tentacled One
Well, I played this deck for my final game today. Initially, the problem I was facing was Gisa, Glorious Resurrector. Because Gisa replaces Omarthis dying, I couldn't get a death trigger from my commander. I was digging for an answer to that, but someone else at the table dealt with it before the issue came up. Instead, I built up counters with Cryptic Trilobite and Steel Overseer. Eventually, I hit Forsaken Monument, which got me the mana for Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. I tried to -6 Ugin in order to clear away all of the pesky blockers, but one of my opponents used Teferi's Protection. Then, on his turn, he hit Ugin with an unblockable 15/15 Kappa Cannoneer. I used Rogue's Passage to kill him with my 23/23 commander.


The Tentacled One
The reason that I pulled this deck out yesterday was actually that someone was asking me before the game started if we could make it a quick game. His friend was working at the game store and he wanted him to have time for his lunch break or something along those lines. I said that I didn't really have any super-fast decks on me. Well, I settled on this as potentially the fastest of the lot. That ended up being fortuitous. Not that it mattered, but I was amused that after being asked to play a fast deck on behalf of the store employee that would be joining us, the store employee opened the game with Lantern of Insight, a card notorious for being used in super-grindy control decks. I don't mind at all. In fact, I was kind of curious to see how that Lantern would get used.

I kept a one-land opening hand, but it had Sol Ring, Grim Monolith, and Metalworker. This enabled me to cast a second-turn Omarthis for X=4. I was off to a great start. One of my opponents used Darkest Hour, which shut off Omarthis's triggered ability to gain counters (it can only gain counters off my colorless creatures, and Darkest Hour makes all creatures black. I had Desecrate Reality in my hand and totally forgot that it couldn't hit Darkest Hour, so my tentative plan was to use it, which obviously wouldn't have worked (one is not an even number). But that ended up not mattering because another opponent cast Wheel of Misfortune and I wrote down "1." Another player wrote "0" and the player who cast the Wheel wrote "5." I love wheels, but this card is so stupid. Anyway, Wheel of Misfortune drew me into Staff of Domination. Oh, the player who cast the Wheel was also using Revelation, so everyone could see the Staff and hand full of artifacts, but they apparently weren't familiar with this combo. Turn passed to me and I demonstrated the infinite loop with Metalworker + Staff of Domination.


The Tentacled One
This was the deck I played for the final game of last night. It ended up stealing victory from the jaws of defeat. I kept a one-land opening hand, but with Sol Ring and Voltaic Key, I was soon turning The Mycosynth Gardens into another Sol Ring. Then I drew Thran Dynamo and Grim Monolith. So even with zero lands now on the battlefield, I still had mana to do stuff.

I got enough creatures that I was beating down my opponents. Then one of them assembled a combo with Tortured Existence + Insidious Roots. It was pretty impressive. I chump blocked with most of my team, but was almost killed. He blew up my manifested creatures too, but at least I had counters stored on The Ozolith. I actually said that I didn't think there was any topdeck that would save me. Well, I topdecked Ashnod's Altar, recast Omarthis, used The Ozolith to load counters onto Omarthis, and sacrificed Omarthis, then did it again, looking desperately for answers. I happened to get Glaring Fleshraker, then used the loop again to finish off all of my opponents right there.

Glaring Fleshraker is overpowered.


The Tentacled One
Another Omarthis beatdown win last week. The combos are cool, but sometimes just punching people with equipped creatures gets the job done.


The Tentacled One
I only got two games in on Wednesday night this week. Both were very long. This deck won an epic game just as the game store was closing. I was able to use Erratic Portal to get card advantage after Omarthis died with 7 counters, but killing Omarthis had also killed an opponent's Kura, the Boundless Sky. So I'd gained some ground, but I'd also empowered one opponent. We ended up with a pitched battle between three of us while the fourth always somehow managed to make big creatures, but not enough to finish anyone off on the spot. After that player's deck gave out, another player ran out of steam too, and the player I'd empowered was about to win the game with Helix Pinnacle of all things. I was kind of excited for that because I never see Helix Pinnacle anymore. But on my last turn I was able to assemble Mystic Forge + Foundry Inspector + Sensei's Divining Top.


The Tentacled One
During what otherwise was shaping up to be a great game I derped into Metalworker + Staff of Domination. Well, technically, there was more to it. I had Liberator out and someone cast Glen Elendra Archmage. So I sacrificed Scrapyard Recombiner to its own ability and fetched Metalworker, then flashed in Ashnod's Altar, sacrificed Omarthis and some manifested cards for mana, then, casting both Staff of Domination and Metalworker while Glen Elendra Archmage was on the stack. No one was able to kill the Metalworker, so I had an infinite combo once the turn was passed to me.

This sudden finish struck me as boring when the rest of the game had been interesting, so I conceded. Turned out that one of my opponents was manascrewed and conceded once I was out of the game, then another didn't like his chances in the 1-vs.-1, so he conceded too. Oh well.


The Tentacled One
After using Urza's Saga to fetch Sol Ring and get some mana, I found myself falling behind as I just couldn't get more than two lands. Omarthis was stuck on 1 counters for a few turns, while all three of my opponents pulled ahead. Clock of Omens helped me catch up a little and I started to become the biggest threat at the table. The player with a deck helmed by The Ur-Dragon had an opportunity to focus me down, but he split his attacks across all of us.

On what I was sure would be my last turn, I was able to use Eldrazi Confluence to turn Forsaken Monument, Thran Dynamo, and Ugin, the Ineffable all face up. I cast Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, but that got countered. I durdled for a while looking for a way to survive. I hit upon a loop with Pentavus + Forsaken Monument + Thran Dynamo to continuously create and then sacrifice pentative tokens. This allowed Omarthis to stack +1/+1 counters infinitely. From there, I could easily have won by using Agatha's Soul Cauldron to exile the Walking Ballista from my graveyard, but I forgot that the Walking Ballista was in there. It wasn't until I killed one of my own artifacts that I got a Scrap Trawler trigger and saw the line with Walking Ballista.