Tribal Games Version 1 administration


Staff member
So if we use the Legacy bannes list and the Vintage Restricted List, what cards become available from the Vintage Banned List that are non-ante and thus have more of a chance to play?


Staff member
Ugh. Generally I'm up for games, you know that, but the constructing part is always the hardest and takes the longest. Plus I think it'd skew the results/points thing. I think I'll wait until some more people can play.


Staff member
I think starting a new thread is good and keep the old one around for archival/historical purposes. If the only thing that really changes is the cleaned up list, I can edit the first post with yours. But if everything above the Overview is new, that can stay in the new thread.

I thought the table was fully updated from the last game played. *I* pay attention to it, so that's a reason to keep it included :)


The Tentacled One
I just realized that I was assuming that the table was out-of-date because the list of previously played games was. In actuality, I can't interpret the table at all. Can't make sense of it. If you find it comprehensible, then I'll leave the table up to you. I'll modify the post some more to better fit it to a new thread, rather than this one.

I don't want to be that guy, but...

Oh, who am I kidding? I am that guy.
Yeah, yeah. If only the person that wrote guideline #6 had read guideline #3, and so on. Error in the word "errors." Hilarious.