
Okay, let`s carry on in here, shall we.
To sum up:

Ura - The CPA is no longer what is set out to be. I also think it has become chaotic and unregulated, full of stuff you neither need nor want to know.

Zadok - The CPA doesn`t need to be what it was. We won.

Multani - We need some structure.

Cateran Emperor - The CPA has done what it set out to do, Invasion shows that.

Duke - I think it`s great that Magic is getting people together, and you can talk about stuff other than Magic with people.

Arhar - Well, I certainly think that we need more Magic content. But if there is a lot of non-Magic stuff on is it really hurting anybody?

Duke - Yeah, if you don`t like reading off-topic stuff, don`t go to the Off-Topic forum.

Ura - I concede the point about the CPA having done what it set out to do. But can we set out to do something else now? More to the point I`m fed up with people messing around and derailing perfectly good threads.

Houts - I sort of agree, sort of disagree. Mainly I just want to lean on my return key and make everybody scroll down a lot further than they need to (joke - Gizmo).

Spiderman - I think Ura has a point, we should try to get more organised with our articles - keep it tight.

Yellowjacket - Freedom of speech, yeah? I try to avoid Sex Monkeys and Llama Farts at every opportunity - it isn`t hard.

Ristik - If I write crap articles, sue me. I think the CPA is pretty damn great, and so is Magic. I wish I had more money, though.

Spiderman - We HAVE to get more organised. This place is getting far too chatty. Let`s get back to Magic, and make this a great site.

Gizmo - I agree with Spidey. Better front page content is needed (the forums are forums, they are specially designed to accept Spam). The CPA could be great, let`s put some effort in and make it to the mainstream.

There, hope I didn`t put anybody`s nose out of joint by misquoting them.



I really liked the concept. Even though the site has changed I still enjoy it. I really liked the casual deck area. When I joined it was truly casually focused and friendly. I almost feel like we should make another deck area for the more competetive of us to post. I was looking at recent posts and someone wanted to use Elvish Champion. A poster replied that Elves was not a viable standard deck(paraphrased). While that may be valid I didn't think it was appropriate. Unless a person states that their deck is for some tournament I try to keep the essense of the deck while offering suggestions. I think it is nonproductive to be critical of a deck without offering suggestion for improvement. When I look at current posts I check any from Decks, rules questions and trading post(except for the Joke one). Those are what is important to me.


As for the request, what is meant by "help with article submisions" ?

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Spidey - Everyone and anyone.

Rando - Basically you'll become an editor. It doesn't take too long, but I need someone to check for new articles daily (3-4 times a week at least) and add any new, appropriate ones. It's all web-based and my program generates 95% of the stuff for you.


Staff member
If all you do is check and put them on the front/back pages, I guess I can do that. Editing (aside from curse words) isn't my forte, though. I'll PM you with the request info.


...if that's all it is, I'd like to volunteer.

I was an English major in college, have edited everything from speeches to game instructions, and the CPA is set as my home page, so you know I'll visit often.

Just LMK what you need to know from me.


I'm in your boat man. I like seeing, posting, and replying to casual decks more than anything (b/c that's my strong point). However, the deck section seems to becoming more like the MTG boards where someone posts a deck and someone else replies "why are you playing with card XX, it sucks".

I'm being kind of hypocritical though b/c I haven't been posting in the deck section recently as much as I like to/should be posting.

So my CPA resolution is to starting posting in the deck section more and helping out with the fun decks. I'm still mad no one replied to my uberwacky Type 1 deck, of course then again it made no sense (but I swear its fun to play!).

Ed--Is it possible to fulfill rkoelsch's request for a Tourney deck section. I understand its more work for you, sorry, but I personally feel that would be a great addition to the boards. I also feel it would promote more activity, i.e. the people who want to review tourney decks aren't sorting through casual "10,000 saprolings" decks.

I don't know, call me crazy, it wouldn't be a 1st.