Pestilence with green involved...



This is my rough draft thus far:

4x Sakura-Tribe Elder
4x Phantom Centaur

4x Pestilence
4x Putrefy
4x Rampant Growth
4x Diabolic Edict
1x Dark Heart of the Wood
3x Constant Mists
1x Demonic Tutor
4x Duress
4x Dark Ritual
1x Demonic Consultation

4x Tainted Wood
1x Lake of the Dead
10x Swamp
7x Forest

i haven't played it yet, but the idea is obviously land accel into pestilence, control things, and kill with angry centaurs. Any suggestions? i'm only playing casually. i'd like to incorporate Grim Feast, maybe some draw power with Graveborn Muse or Phyrexian Arena...i guess i have to try it first. i also thought about focusing more on discard? Hmm.


Well, it seems very light on creatures; only eight, four of which are merely chumpblockers. I'd add a couple of Darkwatch Elves, and perhaps even some Crypt Rats as a backup for Pestilence.

Also, I think the deck does not contain a lot of land. 22 is enough taking into account the eight Rampant Growths you are playing, but seeing Lake of the Dead, Dark Heart of the Wood and Constant Mists leads me to believe you need at least 24 lands, preferably with Golgari Rot Farms.


Phantom Centaur, I love that card. Ernham Djinn shrivels compared to it.

Whirling Dervish might be a good additional creature: it has protection from black and after you have pestilenced (?!) the table you have a better chance to get through unblocked and let it grow. Grim Feast is a good idea! I would replace Dark Heart of the Wood for it and Demonic Consultation.

4 Pestilence and 4 Putrify is quite some removal. I'd drop the Diabolic Edicts for some creatures. And as you need a lot of lands I would replace the Dark Rituals with more permanent mana acceleration: Kodama's Reach. Or perhaps to add another creature: Yavimaya Elder. It's a great creature as it let you draw 2 lands (and potentially a card).

Another approach is to use man-lands like Treetop Village or some Genju's. They dodge your board clearing Pestilence.

Good luck with your deck!


I recommend post mass removal night soil action; empty enemy graveyards while providing a great deal of saprolings.


Saprolings would be kinda pointless with pestilence in play dont you think?


Cool, thanks for the tips. i didn't realize how many cards in here involved sacrificing lands...dark heart can probably go, it's really only there to keep me alive for one more spurt of pestilence. Constant Mists RULES, but maybe something like Moment's Peace would be better?
i'm nervous about taking the rituals out, but it makes more sense to have land-grabby spells in here, so i'll try it. There isn't much to spend three black mana on first turn anyway, which is where it's most effective(or atleast most fun.) The most important thing is a speedy pestilence, though, which Dark Ritual does a good job of, er, doing.
As far as creatures go, Cemetery Gate is pestilence friendly, but i want something different...i'm considering Ernham Djinn, actually, because with a pestilence out, i should be able to keep their side free of dangerous forestwalk recipients. If Ernham is involved, will the deck's mana curve be all weird? it seems too expensive, especially after removing the rituals.
Oh, and Grim Feast is going in, for sure.
So now it potentially looks like this...

4x Sakura Tribe Elder
4x Phantom Centaur
4x Ernham Djinn (maybe...or Cemetery Gate.)

4x Pestilence
4x Putrefy
4x Rampant Growth
4x Duress
4x Kodama's Reach (Dark Ritual?)
3x Moment's Peace
2x Grim Feast
1x Demonic Tutor

4x Tainted Wood
1x Lake of the Dead
10x Swamp
7x Forest