Off-White Weenie...for your consideration



Has to be spashed with something for better removal, right?
May as well start with black...

Any comments and sugestions, as always, are welcomed.

2 Pianna, Nomad Captain
4 Devoted Caretaker
4 Longbow Archer
4 Mystic Crusader
4 Spectral Lynx
4 Voice of All

4 Glorious Anthem
4 Death Grasp
4 Vindicate
2 Disenchant
2 Skeletal Scrying (to refill the hand mid to late game, just a thought)

4 Caves of Koilos
4 City of Brass
14 Plains

4 Emblazoned Gollum (vs. B/U w/ Shadowmage Infultrator)
4 Duress (vs. Controll)
3 Gerard's Verdict (vs. Controll)
2 Disenchant (vs. lots 'O stuff)
2 Tsabo's Decree (vs. Opposition and other things)


why not put arena's in instead of skeletal skrying and some swamps instead of COB's. looks like too much pain for the deck.


I agree with rkoelsch about the Arena vs. Scrying. The Scrying is unpredictable, and it probably works best in a deck that fills the graveyard quickly, but the Arena is double-black. I'd say try both, but keep in mind the Scrying doesn't work well with the Mystic Crusader either.

Also, I don't think you need the Cities of Brass, that means every time you need black mana you are going to take a point of damage. That's going to amount to a lot over the course of a game. I'd probably run swamps or Dromar's Cavern instead.


I wonder if four Voice of All's and Vindicates are really needed? Is the strategy to overflow them with creatures, or get them down to a low number, then finish them off with an angel?


Well, I think that Voice of All is one of the best creatures available in type II right now....and I can't think of a single match-up where she is not usefull.

I've decided to drop black card drawing all together, and re-think the mana situation and add more removal...

2 Pianna, Nomad Captain
4 Devoted Caretaker
4 Spectral Lynx
4 Mystic Crusader
4 Longbow Archer
4 Voice of All

4 Glorious Antham
4 Vindicate
4 Death Grasp
2 Disenchant
2 Dark Banishing

4 Cave of Coilos
2 Dromar's Cavern
2 City of Brass
2 Swamp
12 Plains