Reverend Love
Worthless is exactly what Brian David-Marshall articles are. NEVER is there any interesting information contained. NEVER are his articles entertaining to read. NEVER does he not come off as a complete a-hole.
Today I decided to give him another try. I figured;
After three paragraphs of stroking his ego concerning privy knowledge to early spoilers, he drops this golden nugget of quotable goodness.
Afterwards he deftly applies the patented troll technique of moonwalking over his previous issue.
Then it's on to his hard hitting informative match analysis. Great! Afterall this is Learning Curve, I's be teh lurnin now!
In all honesty this is where the Brain David-Marshall’nator shines a bit. Not as bland as some of starcitygame's clown articles but not MaRo or Buehler caliber. Those guys make learning about Magic both illuminating and appealing.
When it's all said and done the tone of his articles really grate against me. Even though I don't know the guy from Adam he irks me...and I blame both his writing and that idiotic little picture of him and his cell phone.
So says Merriam-Webster dot com...so it is, so it shall be.Main Entry: worth·less
Pronunciation: 'w&rth-l&s
Function: adjective
1 a : lacking worth : VALUELESS <worthless currency> b : USELESS <worthless to continue searching>
- worth·less·ly adverb
- worth·less·ness noun
Worthless is exactly what Brian David-Marshall articles are. NEVER is there any interesting information contained. NEVER are his articles entertaining to read. NEVER does he not come off as a complete a-hole.
Today I decided to give him another try. I figured;
So I click the link and off we go…Hey, maybe I judged this cat too quickly. What if I scan today’s article just to make sure my prior opinion isn't deserved. Ya know you were wrong about Buehler, maybe your wrong about this guy.
After three paragraphs of stroking his ego concerning privy knowledge to early spoilers, he drops this golden nugget of quotable goodness.
Wow, glad your there for the fun eeh? Taking packs away from you? So I guess all us casual scrubs shouldn’t even bother attending as to your opinion we're just in the way AND taking your packs by our mere appearance.....oiiiink dawg, sorry.On the other hand, I like to believe I am going to win any tournament I play in so at first it felt as though prizes were being taken away from me.
Afterwards he deftly applies the patented troll technique of moonwalking over his previous issue.
Ooh ok...so I suppose ignoring that prior paragraph you devoted to you know…scrubs stealing your cards is in order...again with I is...Anything that encourages players to come back and try out other tournament formats is a good thing by my count.
Then it's on to his hard hitting informative match analysis. Great! Afterall this is Learning Curve, I's be teh lurnin now!
In all honesty this is where the Brain David-Marshall’nator shines a bit. Not as bland as some of starcitygame's clown articles but not MaRo or Buehler caliber. Those guys make learning about Magic both illuminating and appealing.
When it's all said and done the tone of his articles really grate against me. Even though I don't know the guy from Adam he irks me...and I blame both his writing and that idiotic little picture of him and his cell phone.
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