Mr Dark
Just curious, but I joined the CPA at least a week or two ago, and have yet to see my name added to the Members List, I was just wondering whats up?
Well, ideally I only have to take one final (damn english!). I'm hoping to be exempt from the rest because I have (hopefully) A averages in all of them.Tag Guard.
Dude, it's probably just an oversight. Ed is our main (and pretty much only) guy for running this site and he's still in high school (and it's the end of year, finals are coming up for him).
Hmm.. post what you want your name to be in the suggestion's forum (15 characters max).Give him a chance. I'm sure he'll see this and ask you what you want your nickname to be and get you added to the list.
What's THAT supposed to mean?The key word there being