El Camino- My shot at an original extended deck.


Turtlewax Joe

This is a deck I came up with. I wanted to make it different than most other decks in extended with out loosing all the time, because, well, who likes to loose? I want to know what you think of it:

El Camino

4x Hunted Wumpus
1x Deranged Hermit
1x Quirion Ranger
4x River Boa(Skyshroud Elite?)
4x Mother of Runes
3x Masticore

4x Chemeric idol
3x Cursed Scroll
4x Seal of Cleansing
4x Swords to Plowshares
1x Armadillo Cloak
4x Call of the Heard

4x Wasteland
4x Treetop Village
4x Savanah
5x Plains
6x Forest

Card by Card


Hunted Wumpus Super Fattness is good. What are they going to lay down, huh? I almost can guarentee you that it's not going to be bigger than a 6/6 wumpus. If it is... you can either Lay an Armadillo Cloak on their creature or Give it the Sword. not to hard to get rid of a threat.

Deranged Hermit I like Suirrels! they are so cool. And a card that makes squirrel tokens and is actually a solid card...I say all the more to it! It fits well in the deck as well. If the gam elasts till turn six you can drop in and BOOM! you win a few turns if they can't deal with ALL of the squirrel tokens.

Quirrion Ranger Simply a silver bullet against Stasis and Winter Orb...it can be boarded out easily once I get a sibe board together for more relavent threats if necc

River Boa This is where the Wumpus perhaps fails miserably. It gives your opponent a free Morphling...and the Boa should be starting to pound a a blue opponent by the time they get a free Morphling. It's a solid creature. It regenerates too...for only 1 mana, it's got the best landwalk ability in extended and is completely solid all around.

Mother of Runes Just a great card. If your opponent wants to take it out with targeted removal, well, ha ha, good luck! you can proect any of your creatures on the board or itself! Awesome:)! If some one wants to Swords your creature then you protect it with the MoM. Again such a solid card that it couldn't bear inclusion in the deck.

Masticore This is the anti-weenie card in the deck...just burn the little twinkie winnkies off the board and you beat them over the head with some massive colorless damage. If somehow they end up tapping out then the 'Core can eat up a Mophling for breakfast but it isn't likely. All in all yet another solid creature for this deck. Good Synergy with Cursed Scroll.

Non Creature 'Stuff'

Chemeric Idol Avoids Removal and again another soid creature/card in general. it avoids Wrath, Swords, and anything else....esp nasty with a mother on the table...almost unstoppable. Solid.

Cursed Scroll Colorless Damage=good thing. ME LIKEY. goes in any deck almost. Antother solid card for the deck you can get rid of blockers and/or burn away that last point of life or two. It's hell for your opponent if you have multiples in play. Solid. Synergy with Masticore.

Seal of Cleansing Removal of Artifacts and Enchantments in the Extended format is so important. I can not stress this enough. You can be rid of Oaths of any sort, Cursed Scroll, Masticore, Illusions, and any other threat that it deams target. Solid, once again.

Swords to Plowshares AMAZING! The only reliable/good form of creature removal in white and green! WoW, they gain some life....toguh shishkies! Scroll the extra life or, burn it away with Masticore.
Removal is good.

Armadillo Cloak A solid utility card ,and a solid creature enchantment. You can nuetralize a large creature, or make it so your Wumpus is an 8/8 trampler with life gain. AGAIN (starting to sound redundant) another solid card.

Call of the Heard A 3/3 creature for three mana and followed the next turn by another 3/3 for 4 mana...Idealy dropped on turn 3 and followed up on turn 4. this ends the game quickly. Definently one of the better cards from Odysey. I'm not going to say solid this time because it's getting old and I'm done with the creatures and spells. What the heck! Solid;)!


Wasteland It trades one for one with your opponents lands 90% of the time. It's a great card in the format. Definently the Strip Mine for extended. Simply Beautiful.

Treetop Village A creature/land. A 'man land' infact. Can't really decscribe a 3/3 trample for two mana that can produce a mana as well. I like winning with these, mainly because I like telling my opponent he has just been beaten by a LAND! Nice Card!

Savanah Of course the appropriate dual is mandatory for a deck sporting the appropriate colors.

Forest Duh

Plains Duh

Enjoy analyzing the deck in itself and it's little tricks and bends and turns. Would Tithe be good in here?

It's fun to win period. But winning with your own creation is even funner!



I assume you DID mean Hunted Wumpus on the decklist, not Thrashing, then.


I think Masticore and Cursed Scroll work at cross purposes. I could be wrong.

Turtlewax Joe

Yes I did mean Hunted Wumup. my bad.

Masticore and Scroll actually work well together. Masticore keeps your hand low and the Scroll capitolizes on it. Sometimes it may hurt you but very rarely.

T.J.:p Still want to get some more advice.