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  1. TomB

    Got blocked

    Welcome back! :D
  2. TomB

    Fantasy Football 2020

    Beats me... :confused:
  3. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Ty wonders whether Dorgath will ever reanimate...:confused:
  4. TomB


  5. TomB


    I wonder what's going on with Spidey... :confused:
  6. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    "Sounds good, Carrow." I'm perfectly okay with Tomas keeping the Chalice and managing it's "price", but if you guys feel like it should go to Kelgar I'm good with that too, since both of them are on autopilot anyways...;)
  7. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Ty follows Tomas across the room, looking around, and checks by the staircase to make sure there's no enemies present.
  8. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Okay...I guess we proceed through the door using the same marching order used to go through the portal?
  9. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Ty will follow along, ready for action... :)
  10. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    "Well done Throg!"
  11. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    "Jekaena, heal Tomas!" shouts Ty as he takes a swig off a Heal-Itt potion. He'll take a 2nd hit if he still feels weakened (below 14 HP) and continue to press his attack looking to get at Nayadra. Updated map/battle schematic please...:)
  12. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    "Jekaena, protect yourself!" Ty shouts over his shoulder, as he presses his attacks against the dryads.
  13. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Ty immediately attacks the dryad directly in front of him, then looks to spike-dance his way clockwise around the room working his way towards Nayadra (eventually).
  14. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Ty steps up. "I just wanna get out of this place. I'll go with you"
  15. TomB

    Admin accounts gone?

    Sure, that'd be great... :cool:
  16. TomB

    The Superfluous Demi-Spasm Fight for the lone roll of toilet paper

    It seems Ransac is a bit prescient...:eek:
  17. TomB

    Admin accounts gone?

    Yup, exactly. For some reason I wasn't receiving the confirmation email in my normal email account. And I looked everywhere, including the Spam folder, and tried resending it a couple times. Got nowhere. So I decided to try again using my gmail address, and I didn't know if it would allow...
  18. TomB

    Admin accounts gone?

    Well, this is a pain. TomB here. I was unable to receive the confirmation email through my usual email account, so I made another account through my Gmail account using a different screen name. Sigh...:confused: OTOH, it's FREAKIN AWESOME that Mike was able to resurrect the place! Thanks man...
  19. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    Okay, I'm back and I'm ready to continue on...:)
  20. TomB

    Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic

    "I think we should stick together for now, though, of course, Throg is free to do what he thinks best... :)"